Components API


The Cytoscape component contains the CyElements components. It serves as cytoscape configuration container and has the following properties:

  • config, the object passed to the cytoscape function without the container property.
  • preConfig, lifecycle hook, if defined, it will be called with the cytoscape constructor function before creating the cytoscape instance.
  • afterCreated, lifecycle hook, if defined, it will be called after the creation of the cytoscape instance with this instance as argument.

In addition to these, you can listen to any cytoscape event using the v-on directive.

<Cytoscape v-on:mousedown="addNode" ...>

will be translated to cy.on('mousedown', addNode). All cytoscape events are supported, you just change mousedown by the corresponding event string in the previous code snippet. See events in cytoscape for more details.


The CyElement component uses the cytoscape data format, and binds element data to the definition prop. The following changes to bound data will update the graph reactively:

  • Adding or deleting nodes or edges (an edge will be automatically removed if it's corresponding node is removed)
  • - which corresponds to in cytoscape
  • definition.position - use :sync="true" to make the position bind two ways)

Note: Vanilla cytoscape generally recommends deleting and re-adding elements to update the graph, but this can create problems (e.g. a single element "update" would delete any connected edges, but restoring connected edges afterwards creates to unexpected edge-overlap behavior.) To solve this, vue-cytoscape listens for changes to each element and directly updates cytoscape without deleting anything.

Other reactivity bindings may be added, though the priority is lower because the other element settings are much less likely to change

It will respond to changes to (which corresponds to in `cytoscape)

Registering cytoscape extensions

Many features of cytoscape come as external dependencies or extensions. You can use the lifecycle hooks defined in the previous section to register those.

For example, in the following code we register and configure the contextMenus extension:

  <div id="holder">
    <cytoscape :config="config" :preConfig="preConfig" :afterCreated="afterCreated"/>
import jquery from 'jquery'
import contextMenus from 'cytoscape-context-menus'
import 'cytoscape-context-menus/cytoscape-context-menus.css'

export default {
  methods: {
    preConfig (cytoscape) {
      // it can be used both ways
      contextMenus(cytoscape, jquery)
      // cytoscape.use(contextMenus, jquery)
    afterCreated (cy) {
      // demo your core ext
        menuItems: [
            id: 'remove',
            content: 'remove',
            tooltipText: 'remove',
            image: {src: 'remove.svg', width: 12, height: 12, x: 6, y: 4},
            selector: 'node, edge',
            onClickFunction: function (event) {
              var target = || event.cyTarget
            hasTrailingDivider: true
            id: 'hide',
            content: 'hide',
            tooltipText: 'hide',
            selector: '*',
            onClickFunction: function (event) {
              var target = || event.cyTarget
            disabled: false

In version v1.0.0 you can have multiple Cytoscape components in the same vue app. This is not possible in previous versions.


Along with the Cytoscape component vue-cytoscape also register the CyElement component. A CyElement represents a cytoscape element object. The following properties are defined:

  • definition, an object that describe the element to add to cytoscape. This value will be passed internally to the function cy.add, see cytoscape specification.
  • sync, default false. If set to true then vue-cytoscape will synchronize the value of definition.position whenever the corresponding cytoscape element is dragged on stage.

In addition, like for Cytoscape component, we can register event listeners using v-on:eventname="callback" directive. Internally this will be translated to cy.on(eventname, `#{}`, callback).

A complete example would look like this:

  <div id="app">
    <Cytoscape ref="cy" :config="config" v-on:mousedown="addNode" v-on:cxttapstart="updateNode">
        v-for="def in elements"

<script lang="ts">
import { Component, Vue } from 'vue-property-decorator'
import { Core, EventObject } from 'cytoscape'
import Cytoscape from '@/components/Cytoscape'
import CyElement from '@/components/CyElement'
import config from '@/example-config.json'

  components: {
export default class App extends Vue {
  addNode(event: EventObject) {
    if ( === (this.$ as Cytoscape).instance)
      console.log('adding node', event)

  deleteNode(event: Event, id: string) {
    console.log('node clicked', id)

  updateNode(event: any) {
    console.log('right click node', event)

  get elements() {
    return config.elements

  get config() {
    const noElementsConfig = { ...config }
    delete noElementsConfig.elements
    return noElementsConfig
#app {
  width: 100%;
  height: 400px;